Monday, November 30, 2009

Jamarats - Buffett, Goldman, Doll hype

JAMARAT ~~ >> Goldman, Buffutt, Bob Doll, etc hype
These market hypers taking millions into living hell.

They have trillions to unload which they bought near the Nov-March low... Now, easy gains have made, but still hyping markets with sector rotation hype to unload trillions of stock inventory.

Obviously, we still have 15 millions of Americans are facing potential foreclosures, and

1 out of 4 children is on foodstamp program.

Where did they get billions and trillions?
By hyping markets luring in many.

Ethical to walk away. It is absolutely ethical, debtors should be allowed without penalty, to walk away in the given circumstances which we are in as the entire system was fraudulent with corruption and deception. It is absolutely ethical to walk away from underwater mortgage in the given circumstances which we are in as the entire financial markets and economic condition was fraudulent, corrupt, and deceptive. We are all aware of the unconscionable market manipulation and fraudulent market activities. Americans and many around the world were completely deceived into the fraudulent activities of various kinds such as financial market bubbles/crashes, Real Estate bubble/crash, and manipulation of unconscionable economic factors.

The entire financial and economic factors and condition was absolutely fraudulent, therefore, it is justifiable, rational, and ethical to walk away from the underwater mortgages.

Not only debtors should be able to walk away without penalty, they should be able to recoup the money which they have spent since the entire transactions were based on fraudulent and deceptive schemes. As those who initiated fraudulent activities should be refunding money (e.g. profit and bonuses), but also should be paying for punitive damages.

Warren Buffett is in delusion and is globally manipulating financial markets defrauding billions around the world. He has done so over half-century and is still making misleading and deceiving many around the world driving the nation into poverty.

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