Wednesday, December 16, 2009

12.16.2009 News Media pro-pagan-da & Goldman

How difficult it would be when the Fed-Treasury and G20 around the world using national Treasuries to manipulate entire global financial markets scamming billions of sheeples around the world. If that sounds fantasy, you know who can know all the real data, but with obama-osama-drama scam, we can't expect much from the high class scam involving trillions around the globe. The Fed Bernanke was repeatedly mentioning the "expertise" of the financial management during the congressional hearing, and of course those who know what he meant know that he is referring to the Illuminati money power manipulating the global finance.

We know that we have 4 kinds of people around the world:
  1. Those who understand the Illuminati operation and either lead or follow,
  2. Those who understand and oppose the scams,
  3. Those who are or were badly crushed by the scams, and
  4. Those who do not understand and are fooled into the scams.

The Fed Bernanke player of the obama-osama-drama

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