We need to realize the reality of 21 century that Americans and the nation is being deceived by the greedy traitors of the Fed and most of members in Politics as having false hope is detrimental as we have seen the political scam and false promises by Obama, as example. The greedy FED Bernanke/Goldman, etc will lie, deceive, mislead, and will do anything to further scam Americans with their own interest, not Americans, as we have seen the ill-intent throughout the US History.
Everything what the Fed and capitalists say is ultimately detrimental to Americans and many around the world as they take away wealth from many -- that is what we can see throughout the history and provable financial data. You are consumed, i.e. you are called as "Consumers", to fill their insatiable greed.Unless Americans, all around the world, realize the facts, we will not see any hope since we are all misled by demonic traitors. The fundamental truth about satanic power is using deception and temptation motivated by greed as we have seen in Genesis 3 and Matthew 4. What we have seen is repeated "Deception" used by the Fed and by most of politicians, therefore, we must realize that the satanic power oppressing the world is using deception and temptation so that we can discern the scam. When we have the ability to do so, we can see a real change for good.

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