Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Fed Bernanke - the biggest Hedge Fund

How long the Fed will spend national debt to pump markets to swindle billions a day? Obviously, with the current pace, the United States will be wiped out.

NEW YORK ( -- Only about 4% of troubled borrowers have received long-term help under the Obama administration's foreclosure prevention program, Treasury officials said Thursday.

The Fed Bernanke and trillion money hype has very little to do with reality of Economy and Americans as millions of Americans are unemployed and face financial problems. The fact that 1 out of 4 children is on food stamp speaks volume.

Financial market hype makes it only worse as the market hype is coming out from the American wealth - the US Debt while the Fed Bernanke is literally swindling money pumping markets.

Markets and media is sending a lot of noise, but sooner or later, market bubbles which we are seeing now will burst as the trillions of funds will be coming out of markets since no one else to buy from the Fed and big funds except the few American 401k holders still falling into the financial market hype and scams using bubbles/crashes. The market bubble is inversely correlated to real American wealth.


Food Stamp Usage Across the Country

The number of food stamp recipients has climbed by about 10 million over the past two years, resulting in a program that now feeds 1 in 8 Americans and nearly 1 in 4 children. It has grown so rapidly in places so diverse that it is becoming nearly as ordinary as the groceries it buys. More than 36 million people use inconspicuous plastic cards for staples like milk, bread and cheese, swiping them at counters in blighted cities and in suburbs pocked with foreclosure signs.

"Trillions" ~ the FED will never be needing more money except wanting more power to control the world. The Fed financial statement shows about 2.5 trillions meaning that the Fed has effectively possessed Americans and the nation as they have the european countries.

The Fed about 3 trillions, BlackRock over 1 trillions, Goldman ~ over 1 trillion, Schwab over 1 trillion, Buffett trillion, etc... They are all in the markets and wait for someone else to buy markets.

We know that most of trillions funds are in the markets, and they are still waiting to unload the funds to someone else. That's difficult since many are already spend, or already in the markets. So, it will be big shark fights.

Almost six Trillion will be owed to the private Illuminati families who own the banks that own the Fed. For fiscal 2009, US taxpayers will cough up $380 Billion in interest, half of that to the Fed. By 2019, the cost of servicing the debt is expected to reach more than $700 Billion annually. As you all know, billions were paid to these banks during the “credit crunch” so that they may now reward their lackeys with humongous bonuses.
Hedge Funds Tip-Toe Toward an Uncertain Road Ahead

It wasn't too long ago big-time hedge fund managers like were erecting monuments to themselves. This year, they were more likely to be liquidating their funds.

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