Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The U.S./Western lies

The U.S./Western experts of lies

Economic and financial historic data proves the following. The United States and western financial markets and hype is manipulated by greedy lunatics and liars as shown on financial data. The numbers do not lie, but speak facts.


Almost all what the liars say is lies and deception!

The United States and western cultures and media is mostly propagating misleading, half-truth, unfairly manipulated, detrimental stories.... STORIES because the propaganda is not true. The long term egregious money manipulation, world events, economic and financial numbers do not lie.

China-Smarter/ using brain ~ re Asian Shares Climb but China Closes Down

Obviously China is using brain instead of being puppets as the rest of Asian countries. Most of countries in Asia is puppets of the United States, greedy lunatics and liars, and big money slaving themselves -- especially Japan with insane financial markets and with crazy debt/deficit. The Japanese financial market history speaks loud how insane the country is whoever was dealing with the financial decisions. Lately, using irrational and lunatic stimulus is another example. The western culture and financial market hype is nightmare in long term for majority as proven by historic data.

Many Americans are now starting to realize what is happening.

Charts lie about realities. Technical readings will eventually mislead because the big greedy lunatics and liars are behind charts.

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