Wednesday, December 23, 2009


  • Major markets already rallied 60%-80% literally stealing right out of US Treasury.

No more melt-down of financial markets since there is no more sheepsters to slaughter, but millions of sheepsters are bleeding now as what is going on in American household has a very little correlation to how financial markets are manipulated using economic and financial market speculation.

Regarding TS Geithner comment, given the nature of market bubble/crash manipulation designed with the repeal of the Glass-Steagall act to profit billions and trillions from multi-decades American wealth, it is obvious that we will not see the similar financial melt-down shorting market activities again as millions of Americans are bankrupted already. However, we will see more bankruptcies and foreclosures.

Weather can be controlled for a short period
A reasonable speculation can be made that the recent snow in N.E. setting new record was designed by the Washington. My guess is it was designed by the Washington. We have R & D centers for weather control in major universities and government entities around the world.

It is possible with a high probability that weather can be manipulated for a short period.
December 23, 2009 The inconvenient truth about climate change
Chinese military singers take part in a chorus performance of patriotic songs

Could China's single-party system deliver the kind of carbon reductions, by decree, that are proving so elusive?

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