Tuesday, December 15, 2009

ES/SPX weekly & Audit of the Fed Legislation

Major markets retraced 50% - 90% of the Oct 2007 bubble market level based on national debt spending without any meaningful retracement since the March 2009 low -- advancing almost SPY/SPX 50% for example. ES/SPX retraced 50% as shown on the ES Weekly chart with negative divergences since July 2009. Going into the FOMC announcement tomorrow and the FED Bernanke confirmation hearing, markets are trading at the upper range.

The formation shows "Big Dipper" and also it used to be "Irish National".

Auditing the FED legislation

Renewing the Glass-Steagall act

12.15.2009 News Media propagan-da Audit of the Fed Legislation

The Fed Treasury scheme ~ nightmare of greenshoot ~ osama - obama - drama
The terrorist osama was exactly right on the Fed/markets - they will rob you using bubble/burst market scams

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