Senator Bunning is only another senator addressing real issues and problems to the Fed Bernanke and the US financial system beside Senator Sanders really addressing the core problem. The rest of the senators are mostly playing politics.
Senator Bunning is a savior of the United States who would have saved Americans and the nation! The rest of senators obviously played the politics and sent millions of Americans and the nation into living hell while defrauding millions, billions and trillions. The rest of senators as usual crooks and greedy politicians played their parts in politics.
The Fed Bernanke recently stolen over $2 trillions using market bubble/crash hype. We would wonder why we do not get rid of such evil greed putting millions around the world into misery, killing, pain, and suffering -- is it because of ignorance? It is. But many are starting to understand the root of problems.http:/Sen. Bunning Lashes Out At Bernanke, Will Seek To Delay Nomination/ watch?v=bpwvCjG0-BQ 12/3/2009 11:53 AM ET
"Four years ago when you came before the Senate for confirmation to be Chairman of the Federal Reserve, I was the only Senator to vote against you," Bunning said. "I opposed you because I knew you would continue the legacy of Alan Greenspan, and I was right."
Bullard also cautioned that the Fed's balance sheet -- which more than doubled to over $2 trillion during the crisis -- poses some medium-term inflation risk.
In reality, the Fed = deception = greed = the root of all evil.
We must remember that true Muslim is NOT our enemy, but the Greedy Mammon defiling believers in GOD with money, deception, materialism, etc.
MUST FIGHT AGAINST GREEDY POWER: The Fed, greedy money changers have deceived Americans - turning Christian nation into materialism, then robbed Americans using bubbles/crashes market manipulation, and now continues to do so using national debt. Now, the greedy Fed is enslaving the nation using national debt -- we must fight against the greedy demonic power.
The FED Bernanke Devil = the world disaster = Americans nightmare = American traitor = millions of American bankruptcies = world disaster
Obviously, there are millions, Americans and many around the world, who can only think of the FED Bernanke and money hypers as LIVING HELL and Traitors who put them into living hell using deception and wars.
Wars, money manipulation, defiling the nation, deception....
America Without a Middle Class
Can you imagine an America without a strong middle class? If you can, would it still be America as we know it?
Today, one in five Americans is unemployed, underemployed or just plain out of work. One in nine families can't make the minimum payment on their credit cards. One in eight mortgages is in default or foreclosure. One in eight Americans is on food stamps. More than 120,000 families are filing for bankruptcy every month. The economic crisis has wiped more than $5 trillion from pensions and savings, has left family balance sheets upside down, and threatens to put ten million homeowners out on the street.
FIRE Bernanke, BIG SCAMMER of millions of Americans in living hell using deception and market hype scams behind scenes and our nation is being destroyed by the twin devil! There is no hope with his market manipulation along with the twin devil and gangs. How long we, the millions of people, are going to be defrauded and manipulated by egregious deception. It's living hell and it is not going to get better with the insatiable greed manipulating markets and economy.
- Senator Moves to Hold Up Bernanke Confirmation: Senator Bernard Sanders of Vermont said on Wednesday that he would try to block the Senate from confirming Ben S. Bernanke to a second term as chairman of the Federal Reserve.
The move is unlikely to derail Mr. Bernanke’s reappointment, but it could slow the confirmation process and give the Fed’s critics additional opportunity to press their case. As a practical matter, it means Senate Democratic leaders will have to line up 60 votes in favor of Mr. Bernanke rather than a simple majority at a time when the Federal Reserve is under increasing populist attacks from lawmakers on both the right and the left.
We know who literally have stolen billions and trillions by creating bubbles/crashes -- and obviously there were insider/fed/printing scam was going on. GOD KNOWS! Obviously we see corruption -- scamming billions and trillions from Americans and the nation.
Literally twin devil from hell defrauding billions and trillions from all using corruption and collusion while bankrupting millions of Americans and the nation.
** Bernanke, 2/1/2006 - the Chairman, Harvard grad in 1975
** Blankfein, 5/31/06 - the Goldman, Harvard grad in 1975
The arrogance of Blankfein treating entire Americans as ignorant and stupid -- the two among others are DEVIL, deception, from HELL!! The greedy bastards of Greenspan gangs have set up bubbles and the Bernanke and Blankfein literally raped and robbed Americans and the nation.
Many around the world will face the same detrimental risk and hopeless future as long as insatiable greedy demons operate financial world. The Gov must audit the Fed for the sanity of global economic and financial stability as well as establishing sound policies and procedures so that the few enormously greedy and powerful few will not be able to scam billions and trillions by abusing our trust and using deception as we have repeatedly seen through the financial and economic history.
- Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said Sunday that Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke would not get his vote for another five-year term.
"I absolutely will not vote for Mr. Bernanke," the Vermont senator said on ABC's "This Week." "He's part of the problem. If he's the smartest guy in the world, why didn't he do anything to prevent us from sinking into this disaster that Wall Street caused and which he was a part of? No, I will not vote for Bernanke to stay on as chairman."
- Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke vowed before taking office to follow in the footsteps of his storied predecessor, Alan Greenspan, but he will likely distance himself from the past as he seeks a second term.distance himself from the past as he seeks a second term. Ben Bernanke
After a devastating financial crisis and deep recession that eliminated 7.3 million U.S. jobs and cost taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars to bail out banks and financial firms, political friends of the Fed seem few and far between.
It is unfortunate that those who are able to see and who can help the sanity of the global health is reserved and is not speaking out for the reality is getting dire and detrimental. Greedy bastards Ben Bernanke/Goldman >> not many left except Long Term disaster - the Fed Bernanke who knows exactly what he is doing which is scamming Americans and the nation just same as Greenspan, Goldman, etc. The both of Bernanke and Blankfein are from average household turned into greedy bastard monsters who are scamming millions around the world as the Fed is obviously an expert of picking greedy monsters who will scam millions of people around the world.
** Obviously, the millions of bankruptcies of Americans were the deception of the Fed Bernanke, greedy Goldman, etc. with deliberately planned scams to defraud billions and trillions from Americans and the nation.
The twin deceivers destroying Americans and the United States, and many around the world, under the Fed.
** Bernanke, 2/1/2006 - the Chairman, Harvard grad in 1975
** Blankfein, 5/31/06 - the Goldman, Harvard grad in 1975
Good Bye! The Reappointment Of Bernanke Is Too Much To Bear: 'Black Swan' Shuns Public Life Because of Bernanke
Nassim Taleb, the author of "The Black Swan", said he would retreat from public life if Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke gains a second term at the helm of the central bank.
"What I am seeing and hearing on the news — the reappointment of Bernanke — is too hard for me to bear," Taleb wrote on his blog on The Huffington Post.
"I am not blaming Bernanke (he doesn't even know he doesn't understand how things work or that the tools he uses are not empirical); it is the Senators appointing him who are totally irresponsible — as if we promoted every doctor who committed malpractice," he wrote.
Taleb wrote he will not take part in interviews in the press and will not go to the World Economic Forum in Davos in January.
"I need to withdraw as immediately as possible into the Platonic tranquility of my library, work on my next book, find solace in science and philosophy, and mull the next step," he wrote, adding that "I will only (briefly) emerge from my hiatus when the publishers force me to do so upon the publication of the paperback edition of The Black Swan."
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