Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Will we see a change?

Markets possessed by greedy devils - could be changing. The trillion funds manipulating markets for decades and the monstrous size of the funds are from scamming markets for decades, especially since 1990s. Markets are still waiting for sheeples to buy shares off from their enormous inventories hyping day after day without a pull back using massive debt with bail out; and furthermore, trading against small investors and traders. Even if those colluded funds have huge profits from Nov-Mar low, they are not taking profits because the insatiable and demonic greed is still looking for more -- the Pigs will be slaughtered.

$COMPX 2185.03 9.22 0.42% 2,055,785
$INDU 10452.68 -18.90 -0.18% 1,095,865
$INX 1109.24 0.38 0.03%

Economic washout ~ buble/crash by Greedy devils

Realistically, of course not as we will see further deterioration of housing prices due to decade old manipulated bubbles/crashes. Better to deal with it now to save the nation than later. Those who are saying otherwise is either not seeing it correctly or making false statements.

Most of informed and educated financial market participants would know the reality of the current financial and economic conditions even though some of them would make false statements to hype markets. The financial market hype of bubblees and crashes have not washed out of the excess and the current policies of trade deficit and low tax does not help to mitigate problems which we were facing for decades since 1990s. We need to face the problems realistically and practically, and sooner is better and is hopeful than continuing to deceive Americans and many around the globe. All are not stupid or ignorant while some are greedy and deceptive.

Are we finally seeing a change for right direction?

Auditing the FED and unwinding the bailout: We are hearing a small progress on auditing the FED, and hopefully we will see a real change. Otherwise, we do not have hope, as we can see the condition of the bankrupted European countries.

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