Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Market Reality

Treasury Auction Sees Decent Demand for 5-Year Notes

The latest effort by the government to auction off debt received decent enthusiasm for investors, a day after a disappointing auction for shorter-term notes.

BO - Bernanke BulliTerrorism continues as markets are continuing to trade higher.
We have trillions outstanding debt which will cause more trouble while the FED is continuing to drag Time hoping for consumers to spend. Higher markets trade, worse disaster will be while the country is going bankrupted >> accomplishing the Purpose of the Fed.

Americans picking chicken bones after Greenspan & Bernanke -- and Obama using skyrocketing deficit like King Cobra.

After seeing what has happened since 2000, anyone is still fooled into the Greed Terrorism? Valid speculation is that the Markets will do anything to switch and to bait billions and trillions around the globe -- and of course it includes LT plans of highly psychological culture infiltration using all kinds of penetration. We know that markets are experts of creating real drama to sway crowd sentiment.

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