Friday, October 10, 2008

10/10/2008 Historic Market Actions

10/10/2008 Historic Day >> Market intraday swings were incredible as VIX climbed to near 76.94 with historically explosive volatility.

As noted earlier, markets form the bottom for the day, and we will look for the bottom confirmation, however, with the extraordinary high volumes in series of three since 9/19/08 with historically oversold condition looking to be we are seeing the bottoms.

Market Bottoms: Markets reached LT targets: SPX 840, DOW 7885, Nasdaq 1547 which was set during the early this year.

Intraday market swings were 10%-20% depending on types of markets as example Qs and SPX swing nearly 10% up-down-up.

Bush certainly is the man who made bad records for many and extremely well favors to a few rich using political and economical manipulation along with Paulson and Greenspan gangs. Obviously Americans went through "8" years of tribulation.

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