Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Money oppression and crowd control - Joseph Cycle

Money oppression and crowd control after corrupting the nation with immorality brainwash using corporatism-freemarket by which many are fallen, including the nation. Only cure is spiritual awakening to discern pitfalls.

We have three major faith, i.e. Christians, Muslims, Judaism, and now nobama black theology cult.

How the big money is using the cult to benefit themselves similar as the power used Christians to backslide (satanic power) to fall to where we are at.

Obviously the big money, e.g. Goldman, is supporting nobama; so, we are further divided even though Muslim supports nobama. Would muslims agree with the black theology which is disguised under Christianity.

We need to pray to God so that He will enlighten us to see the truth with spiritual awakening and enlightening.

May God show His Mercy and Grace.

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