Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Repeated financial scam in history

Unbelievable abomination greed which we have seen through Bush and Paulson. The greed power is abusing Americans to steal money/wealth and using financial markets to support Nobama so that he will sure win as we can see the POLL runs parallel to market performances. The Paulson manipulation of market can be seen as he did today to support Goldman's agenda, the biggest money donator, supporting Nobama.

God's damnation to the greedy satan worshipers is coming as Bush, Paulson, greenspan gangs who deceived many for decades to gain more power and money. God's damnation to those evil doers is coming.

God's damnation to them for handing over US to abomination obama in exchange for money and power.

To the bloody NWO deceptive evil manipulators who inflicted much hardship to many, who caused wars for money, who deceived many for gaining more money and power.

For GOD is not for deceivers and not for greedy power.

GOD is watching over all our deed and He will show His Mercy to those who are inflicted by the evil greedy power.


New World Money Power (illuminati)~ The evil greedy money power just stole 5 years of financial market in 2 weeks.

Repeated financial scam in history using the same political and financial drama and crisis to steal massive wealth from many using mass media brain-wash.

Just different background factors with the same plot using economic and political theories by the mega money power - illuminati. Of course, the main tool is the power of money, but practical tool is owning mass media to brain-wash crowd.

The same financial scams robbing many: 1929, 1974, 1987, 2008, etc. with different flavors of schemes.

May God have Mercy: Our Nation is under attack.

During Bush Administration, many Americans are repeatedly robbed.

Using/Creating "911" crisis to rob to heighten fear which resulted in:

1. robbing Tech bubble financial markets which is a way to steal Americans savings,
2. robbing higher % by further pushing down markets, and
3. setting up for higher oil price using terrorism.

Bubbling up "Housing":

1. robbing Americans home equity,
2. collapsing banks for short fortune, and
3. robbing 401k with hyped financial crisis.

As we witnessed "Bailout" hype scam, all political and financial crisis are motivated by money even creating wars.

We now have criminal financial rumors to rob Americans further putting into more debt.

Many are suffering because of the evil greed and power.

Lord, OUR GOD, deliver US from the evil greed power.

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