Friday, October 10, 2008

Market Reality ~ Oct 2008 in History book

Our Reality is Panic which Bush and Paulson created to clean out Americans and US as well as wealth around the world.

The condition was riped for it as it was the big scheme since 1990s by greenspan/paulson LT plan for wealth transfer from Mass to a few. Bush/Paulson could not resist before they retire from the offices and it was easy scam to pull while many are distracted by political noise. Of course, nobama is also a part of the big scam. They go to Swiss or mexico, wherever, after they feed Americans to abomination nobama.

It is a good time for ALL of us to retire from the big mess which the scammers created.


10/10/2008 ~ October 2008 to remember in History that Americans are repeated robbed during the Bush Administration.

During Bush Administration, many Americans are repeatedly robbed.

Using/Creating "911" crisis to rob to heighten fear which resulted in:

1. robbing Tech bubble financial markets which is a way to steal Americans savings,
2. robbing higher % by further pushing down markets, and
3. setting up for higher oil price using terrorism.

Bubbling up "Housing":

1. robbing Americans home equity,
2. collapsing banks for short fortune, and
3. robbing 401k with hyped financial crisis.

As we witnessed "Bailout" hype scam, all political and financial crisis are motivated by money even creating wars.

We now have criminal financial rumors to rob Americans further putting into more debt.

Many are suffering because of the evil greed and power.

Lord, OUR GOD, deliver US from the evil greed power.


The real problems for US is trade deficits and job exports under "Globalisation" by the big greed and power.

Under the globalization agenda, American wealth is sucked out by the greed as we can see that Americans are in debt and US is going bankrupt.

The purpose of the globalization is to develop all nations to be in similar wealth; however, it is a disgust to make a few to be super rich by stealing wealth from many using deception. Their oversea wealth is also going through similar process as what Americans went through, i.e. in debts and vast wealth disparity.

Schiff never deals with the real problems in its entirety as he is just another hyper because he is not dealing with real problem

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