Friday, October 31, 2008

Comments on various views

Fast money rip off with volatility especially lately. Screaming buy to rip off "401k holders" with high volatility.

Comment on Knight's chart analysis
dated 10/30/08 ~ on his ES chart showing triangle formation which he is noting the final directional target breaking below the parallel down trendline.
He, as a bear, is finally paid off with the recent volatility.

The target breaking to downside is certainly valid speculation with a bear view which is consistent to the wave count formation as the "5" wave is yet to form in bear downtrend. The ES has traded to lower than Oct 2002 low which is a warning signal. Not only technically, we have very bearish fundamentals after decades of bubbles and overspending.

We had EO reporting period/EOM manipulation with oversold condition.

Carl's biggest blunder after his contrarian trading method worked for a while missing his Three Peaks and a Domed House sell off. I made a comment to him right before the severe sell off to say that economic fundamentals do not justify his contrarian view. Only GOD knows whether he was intentionally bullish to the last minutes even though he knew that we were having Domed house sell off.

Even though I don't closely follow the site which I noted, I do check the sites periodically.

We now have many international web blogs and sites which are providing diverse views and comments on the markets.

We certainly have information overload with the recent google blog technology and fast growing financial globalism which we had. Through the financial globalism, certainly the gap between rich and poor has widen while some emerging countries have financial grown; however, the statistics would be the same as US.

Evidently, we have money wolves growing sheepsters to slaughter like taking candies away from babies.

May GOD have Mercy and Grace

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