Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Clinton-Monica = Bush-Bailout for crowd emotion

Clinton - Monica could have been a part of the long term plan just same as Bush - Bailout for NOB , by which the tactic is used to fuel up for the next long term plan. The setup fuels crowd emotion to fall in to the next plan. Just same as the "Clinton-Monica" fuels the crowd emotion for Republican, "Bush-Bailout" is fueling the crowd emotion to Nobama.

We need to watch and to pray to discern the real motive behind what appears to be true when many of schemes are setting up for other than what the crowd is thinking. What we are seeing is using power to control crowd. This is satan's scheme and only the Spirit of GOD can lead us to see the truth. The satan's deception to fool many will not stop here, but as the crowd, Americans and many, has fallen into many traps, we will see more of deceptive traps. Only spiritual discernment can tell what the true motive is.

May God save us and show His Mercy and Grace.

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