Monday, October 6, 2008

The Economic and Political Manipulation

It's about Greed and Power manipulation using "economic and political crisis and drama".
The evil greed would send their children to hell to get more power and money.

The greed power does not operate by random but by careful LT scam to rob as many as they can as we can now see the operation is global stealing wealth from many to the hands of a few.

They already have accumulated so much wealth, so, they will just evolve to different forms to continue their greed and evil power using Political and Economical drama and crisis.

The academia political and economic theories and principles are just tools of the evil greed and power.

Big pig family stealing wealth from many around the world with double tongues.

A part of big scam even though they pretend to work against each other. Paulson is lying to fool Americans but he is obviously conspiring with the big money, e.g. greenspan and paulson hedge fund, rogers hedge fund, etc.

"Cleaning out system" = meaning stealing massive amounts from financial markets using hype, manipulation, deception, etc., just like what we have seen with "Bailout" crisis hype scam.


re: Jim Rogers Call Bernanke and Paulson a Liar

October 6, 2008 ·

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