Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Warren Buffett - CNBC interview

Warren Buffett has done three live interviews with CNBC over the last few weeks, amid the worst financial crisis to hit the United States since the Great Depression.

The first was on September 24, the morning after his $5 billion investment in Goldman Sachs.

Then one week later, on October 1, he spoke to us about the $3 billion he spent for General Electric preferred shares.

Two days after that, Buffett told us the just-passed $700 billion rescue bill would help the U.S. economy, but it wouldn't be a "panacea."

Warren Buffett Watch has already posted transcripts of each of those conversations.

They're now available for download in a single PDF document. (Adobe Acrobat)

Also still available for your CNBC transcript collection:

Three Hours with Warren Buffett (August 22, 2008)

Warren Buffett Answers Your Emails (March 3, 2008)


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