Sunday, October 5, 2008

Greed and Power Conspiracy

Unbelievable conspiracies ~

It is unbelievable to watch greed and power scam around the world. Wealth is taken out left and right.


This is a logical comment.

When doing a survey and/or putting together stats, the first thing you ask the person paying you is "What do you want the results to say?".

Obama will get a few crumbs (which will be lots of money to most) but he'll continue to further nationalize our banking system, will help to establish a central world bank, serve the United Nations, global occupation etc.... In exchange he'll be allowed to pursue a few things in Africa and further the Muslim agendas as long as power and money ultimately is funnelled to those who really run things.

Obama knows he is a puppet. Strange people don't care.

~ highline

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