Thursday, December 31, 2009

Market Summary of 2009

12.31.2009 as the forrest gump year ends.

Based on long term wealth analysis in US and Europe, it is evident that most of people is suffering as their wealth is taken away as well as strip off their faith influenced by long term propaganda. When you study US History and the world history since 1000 (BC/AD), you will be able to the real wealth trend. After analyzing long term trend, we can better understand US History.

Americans are facing all kinds of terrorism in reality in long term as we are going through geopolitical, economical, and financial manipulations by big money power. When we study global histories -- political and financial -- it is evident that all are preyed by enormous money power in long term trend. Asians are grossly uninformed or misinformed as millions of Americans are going through living hell with various reasons as "prozac" is prolific in US as example.
Americans are broken as their wealth is gone since 1990s financial market manipulation
  • ***** Quote: With the snow storm, online sale only rose 5% tells us a lot about the Holiday retail sales. Financial markets is painted with very rosy picture while US economy is painted with very rosy depression stain-glass US Online Holiday Spending Rose 5%: ComScore

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

12.30.2009 SPX & Summary of the Financial Reform Legislation

With the snow storm, online sale only rose 5% tells us a lot about the Holiday retail sales. Financial markets is painted with very rosy picture while US economy is painted with very rosy depression stain-glass US Online Holiday Spending Rose 5%: ComScore

Summary of the Financial Reform Legislation shows a very little change except more benefit for big banks (aka the Fed) as more squeeze out of small guys grabbed by balls.

Next Melt down: This is setting up for the next melt down looking like a child game of the 2007-2008 melt-down. We will face massive bankruptcies and foreclosures as the worst is not behind us in reality even though media is spinning rosy stories.
  • H.R. 4173, the financial-reform legislation
    Bankers Get $4 Trillion Gift From Barney Frank: David Reilly
    Here are some of the nuggets I gleaned from days spent reading Frank’s handiwork:

    -- For all its heft, the bill doesn’t once mention the words “too-big-to-fail,” the main issue confronting the financial system. Admitting you have a problem, as any 12- stepper knows, is the crucial first step toward recovery.

    -- Instead, it supports the biggest banks. It authorizes Federal Reserve banks to provide as much as $4 trillion in emergency funding the next time Wall Street crashes. So much for “no-more-bailouts” talk. That is more than twice what the Fed pumped into markets this time around. The size of the fund makes the bribes in the Senate’s health-care bill look minuscule.

    -- Oh, hold on, the Federal Reserve and Treasury Secretary can’t authorize these funds unless “there is at least a 99 percent likelihood that all funds and interest will be paid back.” Too bad the same models used to foresee the housing meltdown probably will be used to predict this likelihood as well.

O-scar 2009 Financial Markets and grossly misinformed Asians

Many Americans are living in living hell as we go through financial crisis, and this will not change anytime soon even though News media and Financial commentaries are portraying "Hopeful and rosy pictures". Furthermore, Americans will never be the same as pre-2000. All around the globe must be aware of what is going on around the world as billions of people around the world were misinformed and most of Asians are uninformed. Even though many Asians are learning real American History and financial markets, most of Asians are uninformed or misinformed.

Most of Asians are uninformed or misinformed.

Americans are following the European histories -- financially and economically -- as we are now going through massive wealth loss for majorities during the last few decades. Asians have not gone through the massive wealth loss to a few hands yet as we see the personal savings have not lost yet for many Asians. With the massive media propaganda, how long will it take for Asians lose their personal wealth? I do not think that S. Koreans are participating in financial markets as much as Chinese. Most of Asians are uninformed or misinformed about real European and American Histories. I asked a few Asians that I know, and they had no idea about reality about financial world. Hopefully, Asians learn to recognize real American and European Histories.
  • GMAC Financial Services will get a new $3.8 billion bailout from the Treasury, giving the government a controlling stake in the company, CNNMoney reports. FULL STORY

2009 financial market running

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Market Reality

Treasury Auction Sees Decent Demand for 5-Year Notes

The latest effort by the government to auction off debt received decent enthusiasm for investors, a day after a disappointing auction for shorter-term notes.

BO - Bernanke BulliTerrorism continues as markets are continuing to trade higher.
We have trillions outstanding debt which will cause more trouble while the FED is continuing to drag Time hoping for consumers to spend. Higher markets trade, worse disaster will be while the country is going bankrupted >> accomplishing the Purpose of the Fed.

Americans picking chicken bones after Greenspan & Bernanke -- and Obama using skyrocketing deficit like King Cobra.

After seeing what has happened since 2000, anyone is still fooled into the Greed Terrorism? Valid speculation is that the Markets will do anything to switch and to bait billions and trillions around the globe -- and of course it includes LT plans of highly psychological culture infiltration using all kinds of penetration. We know that markets are experts of creating real drama to sway crowd sentiment.

BO - Bernanke market

Bernanke market bully terrorism does not end.... The BO-Bernanke bulliterrorism in financial markets and around the globe ~ anyone who is trying to rationalize this market is at total stun how markets are just pumping up.

Markets in 2008 and 2009 -- 2010

Market performance in 2009 after the dramatic 2008 is certainly remarkable. While 2008 market price movement is designed to gain massive profits from cutting down over supplied money circulation which many have expected and while some are missed because of the 2008 election hype, the 2009 market is certainly the performances of pure money manipulation by the Fed Bernanke. Astonishingly at the expenses of all bears pointing out the reality of economic condition and at the expense of running up trillions of US deficit - certainly market price movements are far from reality.

All those who feel like missing out what this world has to offer, missing out the Heaven of God is ultimate loss. Those who are suffering may develop deeper and higher spiritual insight through tribulation which is refining our soul.

War in the Middle East in 2010?

This is not good. There could be a war. The rally in Iran is filled with hate toward all Western - US & Israel.

More signs of Greed Terrorism indicator signaling another war with Iran.

Another War with Iran is a speculation going on for years that Israel could bomb Iran. The nature of the tension is setting up for the scenario.

The vicious cycle:

Turmoil in Iran Timeline

~ * IRAN * ~ it is a time for peace.

For it is not the Will of GOD for you to perish. We must not seek "Revenge" against those who do evil as God said that He will avenge. God said, "Do not repay evil with evil." God will deliver His Justice against All who do evil. It is too late and it is a time for peace as it is not the will of God for you to perish.

Ecclesiastes 3

1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
6 A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
7 A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
8 A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Greed Terrorism

Those who are informed would know that it is "Greed" which is creating pain, suffering, and death around the world. Only naive would be believing published news as the question should be who are manipulating such terrorism activities.

Would anyone still believe the terror other than hidden agenda of terror drama and manipulating terrorism? We can conclude, based on all available information, that there are more people died, suffered, and experiences pain through the manipulation around the world. Many would know it is "Greed Terrorism" which we are dealing with.

We can see vicious circle going around, just during the last few months for example. After Hasan mental/spiritual break, Obama sent more troops to Afgan. Now we are seeing more young people dedicating their lives, in their view, to spiritual noble calling to God. The vicious circle will not end based on Muslim extremists and US/Western retaliation. Based on their theology, the believers do what they do, not like Christian Faith which is LOVE. Of course Christianity calls for War at time if God commends to do so, however, Jesus said, as well as God the Father, to love God and others -- in the Old and New commandment. If we spend billions and trillions preaching "Love", then, we could see "World Peace" faster than "eye" for "eye" revenge and hate. May the Lord our God shine His Light upon us to love and to forgive. What really matters is "Doing the Will of God" for Eternity as our lives on this earth is very brief compared to Eternity. Loving and forgiving others is never wrong as Jesus Himself has shown on the cross.

Markets & terrorism

Just like what markets do ~

Markets use drama and plots, and the terrorism news sure sounds like a drama. If he really did the attack, what was the motivation. If he were in fact acting like "osama" who supposedly spiritually minded, sure it is hard, nowadays, to find wo/men thinking like him.

23 old, a banker's son: Probe of botched terror attack focuses on suspect, screening
* Prosecutors want DNA samples from suspect Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab
* Samples needed to link Abdulmutallab to device found on plane on Christmas
* Device had enough explosive power to blow a hole in plane, source says
* Abdulmutallab released from hospital after treatment for burns, held in secret location

Romulus, Michigan (CNN) -- Prosecutors want to get DNA samples from a man who is accused of plotting to blow up a flight carrying 300 passengers on Christmas Day.

The suspect, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, is not expected to be at a court hearing in Detroit, Michigan, on Monday.