Monday, December 14, 2009

Financial Market drama, schemes, and scams.

Obama ~ osama ~ drama~ financial market manipulation drama

Spending billions and trillions from Treasury using colluded funds running up national debts around the world -- as we know that the financial drama was planned and engineered to swindle billions and trillions. Those who planned the global financial scheme used the market fear and drama bubbling and slaughtering less sophisticated market participates using all kinds of baits and lures. There are factors which we must remember: 1) massive wealth transfer using financial scams and schemes, and 2) suffering of millions because of the greedy financial market manipulation. The manipulation goes both ways -- up or down. We know exactly who made billions and trillions using the financial scheme. Some of those data is published, but majority of the data is hidden; but, we know who knows exact numbers.

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