Wednesday, December 30, 2009

O-scar 2009 Financial Markets and grossly misinformed Asians

Many Americans are living in living hell as we go through financial crisis, and this will not change anytime soon even though News media and Financial commentaries are portraying "Hopeful and rosy pictures". Furthermore, Americans will never be the same as pre-2000. All around the globe must be aware of what is going on around the world as billions of people around the world were misinformed and most of Asians are uninformed. Even though many Asians are learning real American History and financial markets, most of Asians are uninformed or misinformed.

Most of Asians are uninformed or misinformed.

Americans are following the European histories -- financially and economically -- as we are now going through massive wealth loss for majorities during the last few decades. Asians have not gone through the massive wealth loss to a few hands yet as we see the personal savings have not lost yet for many Asians. With the massive media propaganda, how long will it take for Asians lose their personal wealth? I do not think that S. Koreans are participating in financial markets as much as Chinese. Most of Asians are uninformed or misinformed about real European and American Histories. I asked a few Asians that I know, and they had no idea about reality about financial world. Hopefully, Asians learn to recognize real American and European Histories.
  • GMAC Financial Services will get a new $3.8 billion bailout from the Treasury, giving the government a controlling stake in the company, CNNMoney reports. FULL STORY

2009 financial market running

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