Thursday, December 24, 2009

Heathcare Reform

The Healthcare Reform could be the straw which breaks the camel's back, collapsing the government -- indebting the nation off of the cliff.

  • The last time when HC professionals has gotten a big hit was during Clinton when they changed HC system. Isn't it obvious that the government is scraping every dollar which they can put their hands on.
  • Washington (CNN) -- millions of Americans will be forced into private insurance company plans, which will be subsidized by taxpayers. That alternative will do almost nothing to reform health care but will be a windfall for insurance companies. Is it any surprise that stock prices for some of those insurers are up recently?

The mandate violates the Fifth Amendment

Sen. John Ensign, R-Nevada, has said the bill's requirement that all Americans purchase coverage is not authorized "by any of the limited enumerated powers granted to the federal government."

He also has argued the mandate violates the Fifth Amendment, which states that private property shall not "be taken for public use, without just compensation."

Congress lacks "the legal or moral authority to force this mandate on its citizens," Ensign recently said. "Is it really constitutional for this body to tell all Americans that they must buy health insurance coverage?"

Obama Health Care Reform & Unprecedented manipulation of financial markets
and unprecedentedly high US Treasury debt/National Debt.

1. Americans are continuing to pile millions, billions, and trillions of debt to fatten Wall Street by pumping markets..... almost unprecedented market manipulation.

2. Obama is continuing to indebt Americans using Health Care Reform.

It is likely another Economic Hit Man type.
The last time when we had the type of bill passed during the middle of night was
The 60-40 party line vote -- cast shortly after 1 a.m. -- kept Senate Democrats on track to pass the bill on Christmas Eve. They needed every vote in their 60-member caucus for the supermajority in the 100-member chamber needed to overcome the filibuster, and some senators extracted beneficial provisions for their states before agreeing to support the bill.

The American nightmare of Bernanke & Greespan continues:

We are seeing the de ja vu of lies and deception passing bills in the middle of night. Of course, Obama is following the money deception orders to benefit big insurance companies.
  • Health Care Bill Moves Forward, Gets AMA Backing

    Senate Democrats moved closer Monday to passing landmark health care legislation by Christmas after scoring a win in the first big test vote and gaining the support of a powerful lobbying group for doctors.

The hype of Heath care companies is a form of proof about the real impact of Health care reform as the primary beneficiary of HCR will be HC insurance companies as they continue to swindle wealth out of Americans in a long term. Where their profit will be coming? It will be from Americans.

12.19.2009 Washington (CNN) -- U.S. Sen. Ben Nelson of Nebraska on Saturday threw his support behind the Democrats' health care reform bill, giving the party the crucial backing it needed to avoid a Republican filibuster that would prevent a Senate vote.

The Health Care Reform is also a part of noise even though we need BADLY a Reform of all kinds. For example, Medicare HighMark changes claim payment processing to automated system for answering problem cases. The computer system is not only so very inefficient to handle problem cases, but also, the computer access time is restricted only from 8:30 am to 4 pm to delay payments for processing to use "filing expiration" period. In order to solve a problem, a payment inquiry has to go through ineffective computer VRS, and then, spend another hour to get to a person. It is likely another way to rip off millions of people.

Obviously, the HCR is a change which could be squeezing out more money out of millions of Americans, for example, Medicare and Medicaid.

Also, they claim that they forwarded 20% co-insurance to Medicaid, however, Medicaid doesn't pay cross-over claims with excuses of not receiving cross-over claims.

While the fat pigs swindle millions, billions, and trillions using all kinds of venues including Treasury robbery.

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