Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Bernanke Record - market manipulation

Crazy greedy markets do correction! This is freaking endless pump without a correction. Obviously, it is very easy to manipulate markets, so, only what the criminals are doing is pumping markets.

Bernanke is speaking of market pump as his crazy record? Manipulating bubbles/crashes -- up and down using the national debt. It's psychotic! The market manipulation like this caused millions of bankruptcies and economic disaster.

$COMPX 2185.03 9.22 0.42% 2,055,785
$INDU 10452.68 -18.90 -0.18% 1,095,865
$INX 1109.24 0.38 0.03%

How easy it is to program markets to defraud billions and trillions using market hype -- pump and dump with collusion. This market is freaking relentless -- pump ... sick bastards stealing from small traders and investors using market hype and manipulation. This market is on some serious drugs as many are in delusion. Market pump will only lead to more disaster -- as it is the tool of the market hypers as we have repeatedly seen!

PS Am I a crying voice in the wilderness?

Should be fearing the scammers like Bernanke, Goldman, etc. destroying the United States.

Fear of recession? >> re Why I Fear New Recession: Market Strategist

How many actually duped into the Bernanke and professional dupers' hype that we are not in recession -- actually duped into the chronic lies of debt spending market hoping for fooling enough Americans.

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