Monday, December 14, 2009

12.14.2009 News Media propagan-da

Obviously, financial market price action is just another dupe transferring money out of Treasury to pump markets giving false impression of a sense of security. It is just different show played by different actors.

The greed nightmare of dark new world order ~ i.e. Treasury Robbery

Bankrupting Treasury to pump financial markets while bankers are literally swindling millions and trillions.

  • Many to spend less on gifts CNNMoney
  • Obama meets with bankers Fortune
  • Source:'Alarming' Iran nuke document
  • SAC Capital Has a Reverse Midas Touch With Spinoffs

    When it comes to hedge fund spinoffs, Steven A. Cohen's SAC Capital Advisors has produced a surprisingly consistent string of duds.

  • Isaac: Was TARP Worth It?
  • Worst of Bank Failures Isn't Over Yet: FDIC's Bair

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