Monday, December 28, 2009

Greed Terrorism

Those who are informed would know that it is "Greed" which is creating pain, suffering, and death around the world. Only naive would be believing published news as the question should be who are manipulating such terrorism activities.

Would anyone still believe the terror other than hidden agenda of terror drama and manipulating terrorism? We can conclude, based on all available information, that there are more people died, suffered, and experiences pain through the manipulation around the world. Many would know it is "Greed Terrorism" which we are dealing with.

We can see vicious circle going around, just during the last few months for example. After Hasan mental/spiritual break, Obama sent more troops to Afgan. Now we are seeing more young people dedicating their lives, in their view, to spiritual noble calling to God. The vicious circle will not end based on Muslim extremists and US/Western retaliation. Based on their theology, the believers do what they do, not like Christian Faith which is LOVE. Of course Christianity calls for War at time if God commends to do so, however, Jesus said, as well as God the Father, to love God and others -- in the Old and New commandment. If we spend billions and trillions preaching "Love", then, we could see "World Peace" faster than "eye" for "eye" revenge and hate. May the Lord our God shine His Light upon us to love and to forgive. What really matters is "Doing the Will of God" for Eternity as our lives on this earth is very brief compared to Eternity. Loving and forgiving others is never wrong as Jesus Himself has shown on the cross.

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