Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Gold vs USD

A start of big Shark fights?
Gold traded to 1075 target and bounced off from the low and is trading at 1092.
Is this a start of big shark fights since many small traders and market participants are gobbled up by big sharks such as J. Paulson. He called Gold rally on 12/3/2009, near at the recent top Gold 1227 on that day. Since then, Gold retraced the parabolic move of 11% of 75% rally since 700 low in Oct 2008. Even though financial markets are painting rosy pictures, we have millions of Americans who are going to bankrupted after their unemployment benefit runs out in a few months. They will probably cash in their retirement plans, if not they already have done it. Even though we have Asian money which big sharks are lurking, Americans are wiped out.


Gold 1092.60 -3.40 -0.31%

  • 12.08.2009 Gold 1130 is a pivot, however, as noted daily momentum is negative from a bubble level; therefore, with breaking below 1130, a retest 1070 +/- is mostly like.
  • 12.7.2009 Gold ~ a sign of profit taking for markets?
    Gold bounced off from 1136 retest of the 11/27/09 formation @GC 1158.80 -5.20 -0.45%
  • 12.04.2009 Economic and financial future of Americans and the United States under the Fed Bernanke is conversely shown on the gold prices as we can see on the gold speculation even though Gold price is down today.
    @GC 1162.30 -7.20 -0.62%

Gold is trading in hyperbole upside momentum since breaking out 1000, and now it is trading near at 1250+/- resistance. The formation and trading pattern is similar as Oil bubble into the 2008 crash pattern. It traded up 300% up since 2002 trading near at 400.

Gold bubble crash is coming !

Capitalists & Congress Millionaires

Obviously, Congress is a part of the big money swindle along with the Fed Reserve.

USD Long ~

USD Short ~

Gold bubble crash is coming !

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