Monday, December 14, 2009

Treasury and Deficit vs Market pump

Obama greed and deception
: Transferring millions, billions, and trillions from Treasury to pump markets while distributing stock inventories in trillions.

Deficits Must Be Curbed or It's Disaster For Economy: Study

A bipartisan group of former lawmakers and budget officials called on Congress and President Barack Obama Monday to commit to reining in trillion-dollar plus budget deficits to avoid dragging down the economy.

  • Americans Sour on Economy
  • Obama WORST ~ Obama osama drama... He has done NOTHING except spending, pumping, stealing, and running his mouth.

    For many, Obama is the worst nightmare because what he does is pumping markets stealing from Treasury, spending like spendholics with debt with excuses. Insults Christians ~ He runs his mouth stealing money, plays his drama solving nothing, pumping markets pretending anything is solved while kissing bankers rear in reality.

    It's nightmare from osama to obama along with freaking greedy market manipulators left and right drama!

    And Obama's job approval has slid some more down at the 50% level -- and below even, faster than any new president since Harry Truman.

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