Monday, December 7, 2009

Trillions in the markets

Most of large funds in trillions, including the Fed, are sitting in the markets; and, the Fed Bernanke will not hint public until he recouped his money in the Fed balance sheet showing 2.3 trillions. Not only the Fed, most of major financial firms are waiting for small investors. For the reason, markets are still holding up.

Even though BofA reported quite bearish comments on Mortgage Mod program that 2/3 of his customers could lose the Mod program which could be signaling massive loan default, markets do not respond. The big funds are staring each other - "Nobody moves!"
  • Bank of America: 2/3 of Borrowers May Lose Mods
  • Mr. Schakett told me that of the 65 thousand trial modifications set to expire Dec. 31st with B of A, a full two thirds of the borrowers, while current on their payments, have not submitted the full documentation required to turn a trial mod permanent under the HAMP guidelines.

So far, Gold bounced off from 1136 retest of the 11/27/09 formation @GC 1158.80 -5.20 -0.45%, with daily momentum turned to negative.

Holiday Trading & Gold correction

We are continuing to see a correction in Gold from the noted 1225.

@GC 1141.50 -28.00 -2.39% 101,196

Is it a hope for a financial market correction or another nightmare for bears?

We haven't seen a market correction since the March low. If the recent correction in Gold bubble is a hint for the markets, it would be excellent opportunity to see a long anticipated correction.

Using the remain bailout money for job creation is reasonable even though that's what the Government is doing anyway.

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