Sunday, December 27, 2009

Peace ~ Paradise

Luke 23:43
Jesus answered him, "I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise."

If anyone feels like missing out all of the great and fantastic things which this world has to offer, what would it be like to miss out the "Heaven of God". The glorious and majestic God loves us so much that he sent Jesus to save us so that we live with Him in Eternal Heaven. "Abba" Father who is eternally Merciful, Gracious, Loving, and Holy created us for His Pleasure; and, our duty while we live on this earth is to glorify Him and to have divine fellowship with Him. God created us for His pleasure and we can understand His Will when we imagine spiritual analogies of child-parent relationship.

We can understand all of our life problems better when we no longer fear the consequences of our idolatry - money, fame, power, sex, family... whatever. Jesus illustrated what those are in the four books of Gospel. When we truly understand ourselves and a small portion of the Mind of God, we can understand most of human affairs -- tribulation, pain, glory, pride, wars, violence, pleasure...

Isn't our past, when we think about those, like nothing but dreams.... when we really understand the mind of terrorists who are blowing up themselves, we can only, as believers, empathize what they are going through. One valuable lesson which we can learn from is their dedication to God whether their action is evil or divine call -- only God truly knows. I had quite narrow bias as a Christian until late 2000s, but I now can understand, I think somewhat, the divine Will of God for all of His Creatures.

Only Jesus is and can be true Savior for the World, even though, only God knows who can really be saved and enter into the Kingdom of Heave. Jesus is the Savior because through Him, we can forgive and love our enemies. Without Jesus, there will be no peace -- unless time can heal wounds and bitterness. The Love of God through Jesus Christ could be never understood by some as that is the Will of God that some are chosen.

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