Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Clinton + money criminals

File photo of US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (l) and Chelsea Clinton, September 2009
The United States soul is dead.

Washington and Wall Street dead souls by the criminal and conning Fed mammon. The demonic Bernanke/Fed playing the spiritual war against millions around the globe and the United States. The demonic power has gotten another soul.


Chelsea Clinton, daughter of ex-US President Bill Clinton and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, is engaged to marry her long-term boyfriend.

She is marrying Marc Mezvinsky, a banker at Goldman Sachs, with whom she became friends as a teenager. A spokesman for former President Clinton confirmed that the couple got engaged over last week's Thanksgiving holiday.
Ms Clinton, 29, is attending Columbia University's School of Public Health. The engagement was announced in an e-mail to friends. Mr Mezvinsky's parents are Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky and Ed Mezvinsky, both of whom served in Congress. They are described as old friends of the Clintons. Ed Mezvinsky served a prison term for bank and wire fraud after he pleaded guilty to charges in 2002. He was released last year. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/8386968.stm

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