Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Another low volume trading markets based on massive debt spending economy

Another low volume trading churning markets based on massive debt spending economy which will eventually collapse which we have seen during the recent years, but for this time it will be much worse if we walk on the same path of deceptive policies and of holding false hope.

What "Road Map" is inherently saying is that the path which the United States are going is not going to be sustainable, but will face disaster -- of course this can be seen only by those who can rationally think or face the real economic condition beneath market hype and financial drama which destroyed millions of Americans.
The Obama administration needs to present a detailed plan to investors to show how it will "restore fiscal sustainability," Pimco CEO Mohamed El-Erian told CNBC.

As the nation moves forward following the injection of trillions of dollars in capital from the Federal Reserve and Treasury, markets will need to be assuaged that the trend of deficit spending and its accompanying higher interest rates will not continue indefinitely, El-Erian said in a live interview.

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