Thursday, June 25, 2009

Paul’s Bill To Audit The Federal Reserve Now Has 242 Co-Sponsors

We need to AUDIT FED - to stop corrupting and destroying the United States using financial manipulation.

The profit made by the FED is from the people and the nation -- as a result, we are going bankrupt.


Ron Paul’s Bill To Audit The Federal Reserve Now Has 242 Co-Sponsors
By tmartin • June 24, 2009

Ron Paul’s bill to audit the Federal Reserve (HR 1207) now has 242 co-sponsors, and the numbers keep growing! At the same time, HR 1207’s companion bill in the Senate, S 604, is beginning to attract its first co-sponsors!

This is history in the making, and victory is within reach. Imagine what will happen if HR 1207, The Federal Reserve Transparency Act, comes up for vote in Congress! With more than 55% of the House of Representatives already co-sponsoring this bill, it has real potential to pass — BUT only if we educate and rally the people to support it and get our Congresspeople to put it to vote and pass it.

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