Monday, June 29, 2009


Why would Obama/Soros want to destroy America? That question could be rephrased as why any Jewish people would want to destroy America - is it possible? First of all, I want to make it clear that I have NO hate or prejudice against anyone or any race unless anyone is harming me in any way, then, I would defend. Now, I think that it is quite possible that any Israel/Jewish people could be offended or wanting to destroy America because America is built on the Christian Faith. Why that would matter to them or to any other faith? It is because what has been prophecized by Jesus and John in the Book of Revelation. They would want to destroy because they want to defend themselves as they are destined to be destroyed according to the Bible prophecies.

They would plan to destroy the United States otherwise they would be destroyed as we were a Christian Nation; therefore, we as a nation have been manipulated by the other faith to be corrupted, to be immoral, to be accused, to be separated, to be misled, and to be destroyed as a godly nation.

We are now less Christian nation than as we have been before -- just a few decades ago, as materialism has been penetrated to millions of Americans through media brain-wash through T.V. programs and movies.

Ultimately, naive Americans and many Christians have fallen into the hands of the manipulators using many different kinds of methods destroying the once godly nation, but now having financial trouble getting slowly destroyed by the materialism idol.

There are other possible reasons such as some are just plain evil.

We need to wake up as a nation to realize what is happening to us. Why others want to destroy the United States -- US. We need to do self-examination to recognize that we are no longer once we were just a few decades ago. The challenges for us to unite and to reignite our love for God are ever great, but when our God wills, nothing is impossible. God told me that He loves our nation and that He wants us to know that He loves us.

God is in conrol, and He will lead and guide us for His Glory!!

By Brother Nathanael Kapner,
OBAMA’S MAIN ‘PUPPETEER’ IS THE HUNGARIAN BORN JEW - GEORGE SOROS. With his financial ability in the billions of dollars to back whatever cause he chooses and his powerful control of the media, Soros has the means to engineer the political and economic destinies of entire nations. Indeed, Soros has already implemented his global agenda in both Georgia and Kosovo.

The latest “cause” backed by Soros is the Obama presidency. Known as Obama’s “money man”, Soros’s involvement with Obama’s national political career began in 2005 with Soros fundraising for Obama’s campaign for US Senate and continued through the 2007 Presidential campaign launch with huge fundraising operations managed by Soros.

Soros, a proponent of the “hard left,” has also been funneling money into the Democratic Party and to its candidates with the intent on building a slate of Senators and Representatives with socialist leanings. “George Soros has purchased the Democratic Party,” said Republican National Committee spokeswoman, Christine Iverson, “and he who pays the piper calls the tune.”

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