Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Low trading volume manipulated markets

This market is going insane driving up markets in low trading volumes. It only means either:

1) criminal greeds are running markets, or
2) insanity is running markets

Of course, a combination of the two is worse that that would be the case as we can see over the decades of financial market actions.

Any sane mind would be tired of price insanity with running up 9 trillion deficit in a year - 2009.

All who have any rational mind should be astonished and revolted by the fact that we are completed swindled by the insanity robbing our country and millions of Americans with massive deception -- as we can see the deterioration of millions who are having financial crisis and the fast paced escalating national debt.

It is insanity -- let's not fall into the big deception and the false hope which is destroying many.

Markets were running up in low volume in which only insane people would chase this kind of markets, N/A daytrading.

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