Friday, June 12, 2009

Economic schedule - Quadruple Witchin OE week

MONDAY: NY Fed Empire State survey; Fed's Evans speaks; NAHB housing index

TUESDAY: Housing starts; PPI; industrial production; Madoff sentencing; Earnings from Best Buy, Smithfield Foods, Adobe

WEDNESDAY: Bernanke speaks; weekly mortgage applications; CPI; crude inventories; Earnings from FedEx

THURSDAY: Weekly jobless claims; leading indicators; Philly Fed index; Earnings from Research In Motion

FRIDAY: Quadruple witching


Note the Tuesday -- Madoff: it is quite sickening to see that markets are hyping based on the similar kinds of activities which those will be revealed after massive millions of Americans are again fooled into.

Spending trillions debt is just the same as the Madoff swindle ponzi scam - just the same except the excuse is different stating that the spending is to stimulate economy. But we know that the spending is, in reality, a big swindle draining sheepsters' pocket to sustain the big Government spending -- specially during massive trade deficit and job exports.

It is hardly believable that so many are fooled into such scheme.

Great country is getting ruined by the greed ... with new drama.

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