Friday, June 5, 2009

Bank Profits From Accounting Rules Masking Looming Loan Losses

SEC and other gov entities are obviously puppets of the money.
95% of people is completely fooled into the big scheme and scams.

Markets are manipulated for decades, and I have seen the market manipulation for long enough. The SEC is blaming the R.E. manipulation when they had the reasonable knowledge and power to prevent the R.E. crisis. In fact, they had the power to stop, but they fail to prevent the crisis.


Bank Profits From Accounting Rules Masking Looming Loan Losses
By Yalman Onaran

June 5 (Bloomberg) -- Big banks in the U.S. say they’re on the mend. The five largest were profitable in the first quarter, rebounding from record losses for the industry in the fourth quarter. Share prices have jumped, with the KBW Bank Index doubling since March 6.

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, after “stress testing” 19 banks on their ability to withstand a worsening economy, declared in early May that Americans can be confident in the banks’ stability and resilience. Wells Fargo & Co. and Morgan Stanley were among banks raising $43 billion in new capital since then through share sales.

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