Saturday, June 20, 2009


The FOMC & the Quarterly report market manipulation before earning report month in July.

Obviously, fund managers are holding on to stocks based on the Fed FOMC manipulation to hold up the markets so that the quarterly market reports will show better return.

Those who understand financial market history as I repeatedly noted would understand the Greenspan and market manipulation how market cycles are used to drain majority wealth of market participants and non-participants as economic collapse. As explained the reality of Greenspan era was the biggest financial deception in US History, and now Bernanke with debt spending false hope will be revealed as disaster.

As noted earlier, markets are repeatedly using different deception evidenced by millions are going bankrupt and the 100 trillion national debt. In my opinion, coming collapse of debt economy after bankrupting millions with tech/R.E. bubbles will be disastrous -- yet many are fooled into the false hope.

Jun 23 10:00 Existing Home Sales May NA 4.83M 4.68M
Jun 24 08:30 Durable Orders May NA -0.9% 1.9%
Jun 24 08:30 Durable Orders, Ex-Transportation May NA -0.5% 0.8%
Jun 24 10:00 New Home Sales May NA 360K 352K
Jun 24 10:30 Crude Inventories 06/19 NA NA -3.87M

Jun 24 14:15 FOMC Rate Decision

Jun 25 08:30 Initial Claims 06/20 NA NA NA
Jun 25 08:30 Q1 GDP - Final Q1 NA -5.7% -5.7%
Jun 26 08:30 Personal Income May NA 0.2% 0.5%
Jun 26 08:30 Personal Spending May NA 0.4% -0.1%
Jun 26 08:30 PCE Core May NA 0.2% 0.3%
Jun 26 09:55 Mich Sentiment-Rev Jun NA 69.0 69.0

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