Saturday, June 27, 2009

Economic Reality and future

We have 3 kinds of people in the markets:

1. those who do not care as long as they can get money out of system or others,

2. those who are just ignorant, or

3. those who are aware of the current situation and foresee what is going to happen in the future.

The category 3 group also falls into 2 groups:

1. take actions or

2. take no action.

Many are also falling into the group #2 because they don't want the aggravation spending time and effort.

Only a few is falling into the group #1, for they are intellectuals or aware of the economic situation, and take some kinds of actions, e.g. Ron Paul.

Right now, majority of people only see markets are going up, but do not care about the reality of the deteriorating economic condition in a longer period.

Obama is one of those people who are exploiting the opportunity for material wealth regardless the consequence of their actions -- contrasting to the Ron Paul's case.

Our finance and economic condition is viewed as favorable since markets are still going up.

It is deceptive, but many are falling for it.

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