Monday, June 8, 2009

Low volume trading: married to stocks and went away

Low volume trading: married to stocks and went away
--> Markets traded up into close after trading in low volume as alerted the intraday support at 1:25pm (15419) We have markets superficially holding with massive debt spending
The massive debt spending false hope is going to be a rude awaking, and furthermore, it is unbelievable many are fallen into the false security.

Monday, June 08, 2009 1:25:10 PM

Markets are pumping in a massive dose of printing which would cause more detrimental disaster in the future.

LOD is intraday supports
$COMPX 1818.59
$INDU 8633.07
$INX 926.44

Low trading volume is again showing htat markets are completely dozed by the false hope of printing.

$COMPX 1818.59 1824.62 -24.80 -1.34% 1,057,096
$INDU 8633.07 8661.33 -101.80 -1.16% 503,542
$INX 926.44 929.89 -10.20 -1.09%

We may see whack into close, but so far no sign of panic from the morning volatility.

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