Tuesday, June 9, 2009

US Economic insanity: astronomical debt spending, ~ 9 trillion, which will further destroy majority of Americans' wealth which we have seen.

US Economic insanity: astronomical debt, ~ 9 trillion, spending which will further destroy majority of Americans' wealth which we have seen. Greed power destroyed massive Americans with deception which only recently be known to some.

Now facing a reality of 19%+ since 2000: re Pros Say: US Unemployment May Be Closer to 16% The Government Economic stats are manipulated and does not represent realistic facts.

After the decades of financial market manipulation, it is quite easy to manipulate market price actions and Americans' sentiment using mass media which is owned by the same power and which controls the world economy. We can see the result of the deception as the US economy and massive Americans has fallen into the deception as financial and news media does not report accurate information and economic reality because they are controlled by the same destructive power for most of people. What is astonishing is that many are either ignoring the reality or is bought by the deception.


China Has No Intention of Dumping Dollar: Minister

China, the world's largest holder of official foreign exchange reserves, has no intention of abandoning the U.S. dollar, Vice Foreign Minister He Yafei said on Tuesday. http://www.cnbc.com/id/31182448

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