Thursday, June 25, 2009


Final GDP Revision: Where Economy is Shrinking Most
Published: Thursday, 25 Jun 2009 | 8:44 AM ET
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By: Ariel Nelson
Director of Market Data & Content Services

First Quarter GDP was revised to a final drop of 5.5%, slightly better than was previously reported 5.7% and the 6.1% originally reported. This comes after the final numbers for Fourth Quarter GDP was down -6.3%, the worst quarter since Q1 1982 when economic "growth" was -6.4%. This is the first streak of three negative quarters since Q1 1975.

Here is a breakdown of where the economy is shrinking, and growing, most.

* Gross Domestic Product: -5.5%
o Personal Consumption: +1.4%
+ Durable Goods: +9.5%
+ Nondurable Goods: -0.4%
+ Services: +0.9%
o Private Investment: -48.9%
o Net Exports:
+ Exports: -30.6%
+ Imports: -36.4%
o Government Consumption: -3.1%
+ Federal: -4.5%
+ State & Local: -2.2%

Jobless claims news outweighed the improved GDP and turned the futures negative this morning.

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