Saturday, October 3, 2009

Beloved Bernanke madoff

Beloved Bernanke madoff >>> re Taxpayers on the hook for $200 billion (((~~ one of the biggest financial swindle in the financial history ever existed by the Fed using decades old financial swindle blue prints which only GOD can prove it all --- grand ways to rob millions of Americans and the nation. No wonder why Greenspan always mumbled and Bernanke comes along and jumbles all kinds of economy theories and hype in eloquently articulated, dignified deception. ~~~))))))

By David Goldman, staff writer
Last Updated: October 3, 2009: 9:06 AM ET

Would panic prevail? That was the question gripping the world in the days surrounding the fall of Lehman Brothers on Sept. 15, 2008. One year after that terrifying Monday, the people who struggled to cope with the financial crisis share what they were thinking as chaos broke out.
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NEW YORK ( -- Taxpayers stand to lose between $100 billion and $200 billion on TARP -- Treasury's $700 billion financial market bailout.

While that's nothing to sneeze at, many experts say that the Troubled Asset Relief Program helped rescue the economy from a second Great Depression.

But there are others who argue that the billions of dollars that taxpayers shelled out simply delayed an inevitable epic collapse of the financial sector.

A year ago, when the financial markets were in turmoil, the Bush administration and supporters in Congress said TARP would be used to buy banks' troubled assets, and would be an investment -- it could even turn a profit.......

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