Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Financial Markets & Optical Illusions - our Brains

Also, absolutely stunning how markets were consistently fading most of traders, but signs were there as BlackRock DOLL with trillions along with Goldman was manipulating markets.

At all major pivotal junctures, Bernanke, Doll, Goldman, Obama, etc. came on news media to hype markets.

As for Rosenberg, he was bearish like many did. After gone through the bear-torture since SPX 666 in March -- anything can happen.

As for sector rotation, I said this for many years, the big money rules EW/TA, etc, not the other way around. The money always had the control of markets -- ALWAYS -- the financial drama was just that, drama.

BlackRock Earnings Beat as Client Risk Appetite Grows
--** Goldman, BlackRock, big banks are obviously in collusion. It will be interesting to see how they exit.

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