Saturday, October 10, 2009


After our lives in this world ~

Many forget that our lives are fragile even though many seek power and money using all kinds of evil methods and deception.

In God's eternity, we have:

1) heaven for those who served God with their best ability following the will of GOD as in Matthew 4, and

2) hell for those who served satan, deceiver mammon.

How do we know satan - it is acting like God - e.g. the FED. Satan always wanted to be like God. All believers are trying to be like Jesus, so how do we know whether we are following Jesus or satan? Christians and believers try to follow the will of GOD as written in the Bible while satan is trying to be like God using deception, fraud, lies, murders, etc.

Why the FED is evil mammon? It lies, disguises, deceives, enslaves, and possesses for power and greed.

Contrary to the Fed mammon, God is holy, merciful, good, loving, gracious, just, truthful....

Obama is progressively deceptive just same as Bush, and, of course, they are slaves of the same Mammon.

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Usually, when a president wins the Nobel Peace Prize, it is uniformly seen as a positive development for America and for the world.

Both opponents and allies tend to celebrate the fact that an American president actually got recognized by a bunch of Norwegians for something he achieved.

But with Barack Obama, who surprisingly picked up his first Nobel Prize on Friday, the reaction was not altogether positive from either the left or the right.

You would expect that conservatives would raise questions about the president's award. Conservatives raise questions about everything the president does.
<<<~~~Let all know about the Fed fraud.
We still have millions of Americans thinking the FED is a government entity!
Download it and email to your family, friends, and your groups.


>> The Federal Reserve is not federal and it is not reserve. It is a coalition of independent banks and is not subordinate to the federal government. Federal Reserve System should be a "PRIVATE CORPORATION" as its stocks are owned by private investors.

It should be no big surprise to anyone who understands what the Fed is and isn't that their board rejected a request by U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner for a public review of the central bank’s structure and governance.

The FED is disguised itself as if it is a US government entity, and millions of Americans are deceived!

No Wonder why Americans and the Nation is going bankrupted.
7 out 10 of the Fed is owned by non-US.

The top 10 owners of the Fed are:

1. The Rothschild Family - London
2. The Rothschild Family - Berlin
3. The Lazard brothers - Paris
4. Israel Seiff - Italy
5. Kuhn-Loeb Company - Germany
6. The Warburgs - Amsterdam
7. The Warburgs - Hamburg
8. Lehman Brothers - NY
9. Goldman & Sachs - NY
10. The Rockefeller Family - NY

The federal Reserve bank of NY is owned by:

1. Chase-Manhattan (controlled by the Rockefeller Family) 32.3%
2. Citibank - 20.5%

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