Monday, October 26, 2009

The FED Bernanke-Goldman-BlackRock, etc.

The financial mafia operation: Markets have been relentlessly pumped up using the US Debt - Treasury -- to crash it at a chosen time. The ultimate greed using collusion and deception of all kinds including massive elementary TA price manipulation with entire Treasury and politicians in the pockets. We now have millions of traders around the world playing with elementary drawing lines and guessing games to be manipulated and faded by the Fed Bernanke and big trading firms. This is massive slaughter of mental intelligence and a waste of mind which could be used to further enhance our lives, but of course that is not the purpose of the greedy mammon enslaving the world.

  • NEW YORK— Huffington Post on Goldman.
"In what some on Wall Street are calling the biggest blockbuster deal in the history of the financial sector, Goldman Sachs confirmed today that it was in talks to acquire the U.S. Department of the Treasury."

“This is simply not true!” responded CEO Lloyd Blankfein, speaking at a news conference. “The talks never progressed past an exchange of ideas for a merger, not an acquisition!” Blankfein then quickly changed the subject and stated firmly, “People complain that our average employee, from myself to the lowest secretary, receives a bonus of $700,000 yearly. Again this is simply not true. This number is an average bonus; the secretaries receive far less than $700,000.”

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