Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Housing, Goldman, Bill Gross on USD

$COMPX 2098.43 -17.66 -0.83% 535,397
$INDU 9861.46 -20.71 -0.21% 281,770
$INX 1056.63 -6.78 -0.64%

Take profit ~ Golden harvest time.

SPX 1054 ~ still bouncing off -- markets are not oversold because the time was dragged.

Markets are overdue for a meaningful correction after all kinds of manipulation to hype the markets, e.g. FASB changing accounting rules of mark-to-market, and numerous up grades. And now, we are seeing a mild downgrades, but not yet a downgrade bandwagon.

Why would new home sales drop -- the reason would be the government buying program is not as active.
Without Americans know about the NWO agenda of unfairly swindling the global wealth by devaluing USD and manipulating financial markets and economy, Americans are so deep in the NWO power, we do not have much chance to recover the loss to the wealth level of pre-2000.
Tightening credit card rules with new Consumer Protection Bill.

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