Monday, October 12, 2009

Speak Truth >> Clinton to press Russia on Iran

Speak Truth >> Clinton to press Russia on Iran <<<~~ would she lie to her daughter for all of her living years? How would she feel if her daughter was deceived in her life. How can she close her eyes when she die telling Americans all fraudulent stories for decades? Integrity and Truth matters. Millions of soldiers soul and dead is asking for Truth. She would not live long -- speak truths. We want to know the truth. Stop deceiving Americans. Clinton and others were killing Americans souls -- and there will be consequences of the terrible tragedy of deception. Clinton can not face GOD and enter heaven with fake smiles and repeated false statements and lies. All will face GOD, and He knows all the facts.
((( ~~ If Clinton has any shred of integrity and truth in her soul and spirit and truly believe in GOD, she needs to tell the truth about how our country is operating under the Fed. Millions of soldiers died believing in their lies and fraud. ~~)))

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is in Moscow where she will hold talks with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.

Mrs Clinton will try and win the country's backing for a tougher stance towards Iran's nuclear programme.

The US secretary of state has warned the world will not "wait indefinitely" for proof that Iran is not making nuclear weapons.

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