Monday, October 19, 2009

Capitalism & the FED

Capitalism >> Bernanke Urges US to Start Cutting Record Budget Deficit

The capitalism method ~ brainwash, corruption, moral decay, immorality, material satisfaction lure, temptation, etc. Genesis 3 and Matthew 4

Now, Americans are already brainwashed to spend to bankruptcies, they are targeting China.

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke on Monday called for the United States to whittle down its record-high budget deficits and for countries like China to get their consumers to spend more, moves that would help combat skewed global trade and investment flows that contributed to the financial crisis.

Goldman and big bank trading profit:
Ironically, but obviously, real impact of the outrageous Fed monetary policies can be seen through the profits made by the FED (i.e. Goldman, JPM, Rothschild, etc.) as we have seen that Goldman trading profit was one of the highest revenues for the firm.

Market price actions are always controlled and manipulated even though financial market written history is telling different stories, e.g.
Crash anniversary
Commentary: 1987's Black Monday occurred 22 years ago today

Investors younger than their early 40s, and who therefore were not yet out of college 22 years ago, will probably wonder why many old timers are making such a big deal out of the anniversary of the stock-market crash that occurred on this day in 1987 -- which also happened to be a Monday.

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