Sunday, October 25, 2009

Globalists vs the FED

Globalism, aka NWO, is inevitable as our world is getting smaller with advancing technology as many are connected through internet cyber community and commerce. It is just a matter of how any can control the greed power oppressing the world. There are speculations of an effort to mitigate the greedy power, a good example, as shown below in the article of "Bonus based on global formula" which is distorted practice. When the world financial markets are based on deceptive collusion and unfair leverage, there is no need for bonus payment as it is doubly unfair for the rest.

While effective and successful product, manufacturing, and management advancements are worthy of praise and monetary compensation, too many financial and management wars are based on unfair, short-term based results, quick-kill -- therefore, there should be a committee to assess a worthy reward based on case by case analysis --- GLOBAL COMMITTEE for BONUS ASSESSMENT.
Fed rejects global plan for bonus payments

The US Federal Reserve has rejected a recommendation that bonuses for finance executives should be paid according to a single global formula.

The Financial Stability Board, the global standards-setting body, suggested last month that 40 to 60 per cent of the bonuses paid to senior executives and others whose actions have a material impact on the risk profile of their companies should be deferred and paid "over a period of years".

The Fed did not embrace the FSB's ideain its consultation paper, which was issued yesterday at the same time as the Obama administration's "pay tsar" announced a separate crackdown on compensation at seven bailed-out companies.

Leaders of 16 Asian nations meet in Thailand to Form a New Union

Leaders of 16 Asian countries gave high priority Sunday to finding a new economic growth model to free half the world's population from merely serving as producers for the West, the Thai prime minister said.

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said the leaders gave such a search "the utmost importance" at the annual East Asian Summit, which concluded Sunday. He told a press conference that Asian nations would have to strengthen their domestic markets and further liberalize regional trade. ....

The East Asia Summit followed Saturday meetings of leaders from the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations with heads of government from China, Japan and South Korea. Sunday's expanded talks brought in Australia, New Zealand and India.

Globalism is inevitable as I decided to stop wasting my time and aggravation to resist it, nevertheless we need to put an effort to gain fairness.

We see a lot of fight based on Political party preference which is detrimental as it is further disadvantaging most of us around the world. We need to understand realities of global economic, political, and financial currents including understanding the hidden facts underneath written history.

Each of us makes choices and lives the consequences of that choices. Even though I am a conservative, I respect "choice" which each one of us makes.

I have put a lot of effort, time, and my life since 2004 to help America because I love my country; but, the enormous force heading toward "Globalism" is inevitable - just a matter of time.

We have 3 kinds of people around the world:

1) Those who know the facts of reality,
2) Those who are ignorant,
3) Those who intentionally create "division", and
4) other.

While most of us do not know all of published, unpublished, and/or hidden facts; those who are intentionally creating division and disruptions would certainly be living consequences such actions. But I believe that most of us are trying to understand the realities of future trend and power impacting our lives.

Anyway, I rest my case.

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